Monday, March 1, 2010 begins

I actually would like to update about this daily...but considering I'm already a day behind on that goal... :) This really is how life works though, isn't it??

I have absolutely no intentions of posting "before" pictures here...not that you would ask...but don't. Not happening. But...know that what needs to happen is elimination of squishiness. Don't know what squishiness is? Oh, come now...dig deep. Or, don't dig deep. Deep is where my muscles are. Deeeeep under the squishy parts. If you don't have squishy parts, yay!!! I'm thrilled for you! And there are some squishy parts that may never go away completely (I have carried and birthed three happens). But. But. Some of them are simply a matter of not doing enough exercise to maintain muscle.

That changes right now.

I started P90X yesterday morning. I'm working through the Lean program, aimed more at toning muscle than at building bulk--more of a concentration on cardio than strength (though serious strength is still involved, I'm learning). Yesterday began with Core Synergistics--I was actually amazed at how well I kept up (thank you Master Powell and a year of karate twice a week!!)--and this morning I did Cardio X...difficult, but not impossible. I got through the whole thing--though it was really tough, and there were times I had to stop before the set was over...but not as many as I expected. Overall...I'm so excited. It's hard core.

I love it.

I'm also incorporating the diet, just to see what happens. I'm not necessarily looking to lose more than 5 pounds in this process...if I do, it will simply be because the exercise works. I am still pretty blown away by the fact that the recommended eating plan incorporates more than double the calories I would normally eat in a day...I'll let you know how that goes. Interestingly, this morning, I woke up 4/10 of a pound lighter than I was yesterday...

I'm sure it was a fluke. :)

Wish me luck!!

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