Wednesday, March 10, 2010

P90X, Day 6

Wow. I hurt today. I hurt when I got up. I haven't stopped hurting. Of course, the "haven't stopped hurting" part may have more to do with Kenpo X and an hour of karate and sparring...but whatever. I may need to figure out what to do with myself on days when I'm putting in double workouts so as not to die, but then, I thought the one workout might kill me...maybe I'll survive. :)

You know, those of you who read this blog and know the program really could give me a heads-up. When yesterday, I mentioned not having to go crazy with my legs today as part of Kenpo X (in order to recover from Legs and Back (aka lunges and pull-ups) yesterday), you may have mentioned the fact that Kenpo X would rip my legs apart after yesterday's workout (and I realize that the 15 of you who read my blog may have never heard of P90X before I started blogging only about this bandwagon I have jumped on...sorry. I know you're not just sitting there laughing your evil laugh at me, hoping I suffer. I hope.). I fell over repeatedly during just the warm-up. Now, I have to admit, the year of karate I have under my belt certainly came to my rescue in this workout--the form varies just a bit from Shotokan karate (and I went back and forth between doing it their way and doing it "the right way"), but I think I would have had a much more difficult time doing Kenpo without karate...between balance, and form, and strength. For as little credit for overall fitness as I have given my two-hours-a-week karate workout over the past year...obviously, it has not been for naught. So...tonight...upon attempting to get up from the couch after Where the Wild Things Are with the legs, I swear, nearly refused to operate. If I hadn't missed Sunday's workout, and was headed into actual Day 7 tomorrow, tomorrow would be Stretch X or Rest...I would rest tomorrow. Instead, I do Core Synergystics (and weigh and take all my measurements and pics) tomorrow. Oh, how I would love to rest (especially since today was long, and I would like to be in bed...but in the day's longness, I forgot to dry our bed sheets...becausem yes, we only have one set...the new mattress we got last year is extra deep, and I just never think of another set of sheets when I'm anywhere that would sell them. I know. Dumb.)

We celebrated Reasa's 11th birthday today with lunch at King Buffet...her pick. So fun. We normally do dinner, but Seth had a business meeting with his company's owner this evening, and with our normal sports schedule on Tuesdays, dinner would not have happened all together until after 8pm we opted for lunch followed by birthday present shopping together (she chose a bedspread (which she found for a rockin' deal at Burlington), mirror and lamp for her room...we definitely left those adorable little girl years today, folks.). Then she wanted to spend her Old Navy gift card from MeMe and Ompy and some of her money from Mima and Papa Everett...we shopped for FOUR HOURS. Boy, did she find some great deals at Old Navy. Kid after my own heart.

Like there was any doubt of that.

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