Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook, Tuesday, Nov. 9

Outside my window...gloomy and grey...but a little bit warmer than yesterday? (I think we're supposed to hit 48)

I am thinking...about how much shorter my to-do lists have been lately.

I am thankful for... the generosity, grace, and faithfulness of my family.

I am wearing...an orange, v-neck sweater and skinnyish jeans.
I am remembering... how simple things were 20 years ago. even though I thought they were SO complex.

I am creating...a business plan.  Sort of.

I am going... to learn to be independent again.

I am reading... blogs. at the moment, that's it.  currently waiting on new books.

I am hoping... that I don't catch the cold my children seem to be coming down with.

On my mind... my babies' hearts.

From the learning rooms...  diagrams of the eye, history of the early church, multiplying fractions, 2's and 3's times tables, writing descriptive paragraphs.

Noticing that... it's much easier to sit and think than to get up and get moving and accomplish anything productive.

From the kitchen... a meal plan I actually wrote down and am following, a collaboration of efforts from Mom and me...although she needs to stop with the delectable desserts or I might have to smack her.

Around the house... trying to keep our stuff from taking over...I'd like to think we could live here without it looking like we live here...but...hehe...there's 4 of us and a dog.  not so much going to happen.

One of my favorite things... routine. (agreed, K)

Praying for... wisdom. peace. strength.

A verse to share...Romans 12:2: "Do not conform to the patterns of this world. Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is: his good, pleasing, and perfect will."

A few plans for the week... Reasa's first horse lesson at her new barn today, Lainie's try-out at her potential new gym tomorrow night, a trip to the Y to get Bryson established with something, Lainie's last meet for Dynamats (and the first of her competitive season) in Carlisle on Sunday, regular school schedule, figuring out our routine here...

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