Tuesday, May 4, 2010

P90X Day 63

So as it turns out, I was two days ahead of myself on Friday--Sunday actually marked day 60...ah, well. It doesn't change how I'm feeling about the program one tiny bit. Or the results. As my back hit the floor in Back Hero today during stretch, and as I stop being so danged jealous of Shawna's ability to move like she's truly made of play doh, as Tony says, I am continually blown away by how much my body is changing. More than just the muscle tone and the weight loss and the fact that my clothes don't fit...I can move. I challenged my gymnast daughter to a split contest the other day...and beat her on every one. Today, it was royal dancer pose in the kitchen...she decided she wants to use that one in her optional beam routine. :)

I will say that at the end of week 9, I'm a little more sore than I have been the past couple of weeks (which makes sense. last week was recovery, so mostly cardio and stretching. this week...chest and back, plyo, etc...it's a big switch). But...I like sore. I know that it means the muscles that keep showing up are getting what they need. I blew my hair dry the other morning and noticed in the mirror that even my forearms have actual definition. Crazy. I don't expect big changes when I weigh and measure tomorrow...but I'm OK with that. I'm really close to my goals, and I'm not complaining. And in the form of an update...the weight gain thing I was battling? Yeah, that's over. But I'll blame that more on stress and a bit of an emotional workout than on P90X. Because, umm, you have to eat with this program. If you don't...it's not good. I won't be throwing away my scale anytime soon, but I will say it's definitely not my focus anymore. And if you know me, you know that weight has kind of always been a focus.

I look forward to Chest, Shoulders, Tris and Ab Ripper tomorrow...

...but 5:45 will come early. G'night.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you, Min. And...I wanna see that split next weekend. ;)
