Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Working Out

I totally love my workouts. I do. However, I also totally love sleep.  When I can get it.  I have lacked the motivation to get out of bed several times over the past 3 weeks due to a bit of a lack of sleep, and have always, always wound up feeling seriously grouchy at myself for skipping workouts as a result.  I lay there in bed, hitting snooze again, and saying to myself, "I'll do it in the afternoon while the kids play."  Then I let the kids use the wii aaaaand...no tv to use to do my workout.  "Well, I could put it in my laptop DVD player and do it on the other side of the room."  Then I realize it's already 4:30, Mom and Dad will be home in 45 minutes, and I need to do something for dinner.  "I'll do it after dinner, after I put the kids to bed."  Then...I just can't motivate myself to go to the basement and run (because Mom and Dad have the tv occupied, which is totally their right)...because running for the equivalent amount of time it would take to get the workout I get from Insanity...ha.  That's just funny.  So, I wind up without a blue line in my WOWY workout calendar...and the green line screams "SLACKER!!!" at me for the rest of the month.  I have several green lines this month.  I hate them.

Two things accompany this phenomenon which irritate me:

1) My nutrition falls apart. I'm not thinking clearly about the fact that I missed my workout, and continue to pile the 2000 or so calories into my mouth which I require when I'm working hard...because that's what I'm used to.  And my body is not forgiving when it comes to additional carbs if I don't work as hard as I need to work to eat the number of carbs I eat.  I know that's what's going on.  I have not gained any weight, but I don't feel as good...and I have grown very accustomed to feeling good.  Knowing my nutrition sucks sticks with me throughout the day.  It bugs me.  I like not thinking about it.  (Also, if my dad brings home one more package of Wegman's O's, I might have to throttle him.)(Have you ever had a chocolate oreo dredged through a spoonful of peanut butter?)

2) The rest of my schedule gets lazy too.  Our school routine here sucks.  We get up, hang out until 9, I tell the kids to start their chores (which are pitiful here), we get started with school around...10. 10:30. 11. We take a break for lunch when Mom and Dad come home and we start back up with school at...1. 1:30. 2.  We wind up doing school until 4:00, leaving just enough time to prep for dinner and whatever we need to do that evening.  This is not how school works best for us.  I know this.  And yet...I have had no real motivation to change it.  Hehe...only now...I have admitted it to you.

I have a to-do list.  I love my to-do list.  Too often over the past week, especially...I have ignored said to-do list.  The easy things get done...the tough stuff...you know, the stuff I'd rather not do...gets put off.  Ahh, sweet procrastination.  And procrastination, of course, piles on guilt.  And guilt (and the realization that I have sooo much left on my list) makes me not sleep.  Which contributes to the desire to not wake up.  Which throws off my workout schedule.  Which messes with my nutrition.  Which destroys my schedule.

Did you just catch that vicious cycle??

So, here I sit, my tummy too full to work out, my kids in various corners of the house playing, my to-do list staring me in the face...knowing that if I get off my butt and tackle just one hard task on the list and called the kids back to school, I could break the cycle I've got going...

"Blog" is on my to-do list.


I'm getting up. To fold white laundry. Then we'll have a math lesson.  And a History lesson.  And while the kids read, I'll work out.  Really.  I will.  The cycle ends today.

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