Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Random Thoughts.

1. I have no idea why anyone drinks Swiss Miss hot chocolate. For 5 minutes worth of effort, made-from-scratch hot chocolate tastes like a completely different drink. And heaven. All at the same time.

2. Lactose Intolerance can kiss my butt when there is made-from-scratch hot chocolate around. So can any semblance of a nutrition plan.

3. I gained half an inch in my waist during a month of nutritional laziness. This will not do.

4. Brazil Butt Lift is an incredible workout.  It has a completely different philosophy than any of the other Beachbody workouts I have done, but I am sore, and it wipes me out while I'm doing it.  I have not had a cramp in my side from cardio in months...and I did with Cardio Axe this morning.  After 10 minutes.

5. I am crazy proud of my brother, Kevin, for getting through month 1 of Insanity. Hope he's prepared for month 2. (Hehe. No one is.)

6. You should try this:  It has changed my every day.

7.  It is difficult to be happy for someone with whom I am extremely angry.

8.  I continually debate getting my nose pierced. Why? Semi-permanent sparkle on my face. (There is something wrong with me.)

9. The recently-released-to-DVD, Ramona and Beezus, is a must-see.  The little girl who plays Ramona? Seriously the best child-actor I have watched--maybe ever.

10. At the age of 37, no woman should have to worry about which skin care/makeup regimen will allow her to treat and prevent pimples while also treating and preventing wrinkles. By this point, I should be able to focus on...gosh, one or the other??  And I'd take wrinkles over pimples. Seriously.

11. I want to know how Ke$ha got a recording contract. And why the heck she has a $ in the middle of her name. And why this is ok.

12. I should be completely and wholly exempt from Valentine's Day this year. The end.

13. Very little feels better than getting to the end of the day and having every single item on my to-do list crossed off.

14. Icy Hot: don't use too much. Also, if you use too much, your next workout and the shower to follow will BURN.  I learned this the hard way.  I hope I can prevent the experience for you.

15.  Dogs are wild animals whom we have forced to follow our rules. Sometimes they respond very well to our expectations. Other times they rebel. When they rebel, we must remember that in their hearts, they are wild animals. It's OUR expectations that are stupid.

16. A clean house is the sign of...someone who cares a lot more today than I do.

17. (Ok, so I had this big goal of getting to 17. I have no idea why, except that...I like the number 17. So. Here I am at 17...and...nope. Nothing to say.)(Oh, there it is. The number 17 makes me exceedingly happy. Because it's prime. And...I like how it looks.)(See parenthesis in #8)


  1. #1, #16 and #12: I agree.
    #8 has been a thought of mine at times, too...

  2. #1 - Oh yeah, baby!

    #4 & #6 - I will!

    #7 - Let it go, Min. Life is too short! Hugs!

    #8 DO IT! You can ROCK it! Adorable. And removable.

    #12 - Poof! Your wish is granted!

    Love it! I miss you! :)

  3. Mindy, will you share your recipe for homemade hot chocolate? :)
