Thursday, June 24, 2010

Swim Meet

So proud of Reasa and Bryson tonight.  Despite only ever swimming in something other than our back yard pool (or someone else's) and only ever having done a formal stroke (or 4) within the past three weeks of their lives, they both dove in and swam their little hearts out tonight in their first swim meet for the Williamsport Waves.  Don't ask me what their times were (or what they swam, for that matter.  I stood in lane 1 timing every race that came through my lane with two other moms...we made good use of those stop watches, and at times, barely had time to realize when our kids swam), or what place they came in (interestingly, it doesn't seem to matter at the meet itself)...they don't care anyway.  All I cared about happened when they got in the water and swam even though they were nervous and uncomfortable and nauseas.  I told them they had to swim in the first meet, then we would talk about it after that.  I don't think I even need to worry about that conversation.  They loved it.  Their head coach cheered them on and all of the parents encouraged and helped.  I look forward to the rest of the season, watching them improve, figuring out if this is something they could stick with over time.  Even if it's not...crazy proud of them.  (Now they just need to go to sleep.) ( :) )

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