Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I sincerely hope you have an amazing family.

What brought that up?  The fact that I have one.  And as a result of that incredible truth, I think everyone else should too.

I posted a status update this morning that said something about the fact that today is Tuesday and it's raining and it's the perfect day to accomplish something (as opposed to the last two days, basically).  A friend quickly pointed out that, "umm, Mindy, it's Wednesday!"  Why did I wake up this morning thinking today was Tuesday despite the fact that all of the events of the day (and last night, etc.) point directly to that obvious fact?  Probably because the previous 36 hours of my life caused my brain not to register the fact that 36 actual hours have passed, and, it is, indeed, Wednesday.  And those 36 hours we spent mostly with my family.  Family who makes time go so quickly and so sweetly that you seriously just don't realize it has slipped by until you discover just how exhausted you actually feel.

The kids and I made a whirlwind trip to Rochester on Monday to cheer for and celebrate my brother's photography studio's Open House event (Studio 180).  The kids couldn't wait to see their cousins, hang out with their favorite babysitter in the entire universe (thank God for Lauren), and stay up waaaaaay past their bedtimes while Mommy and the other grown-ups laughed, listened to fabulous music, and ate delectable sweets (and some delicious hors d'oeuvres)(that word is impossible). Spending that entire evening visiting with my parents, my brother's (awesome) in-laws, and my sisters reminded me just how fortunate I am.  So fortunate. The night was a smashing success, the place was packed, and the response...overwhelmingly positive.

We got home way too late (1:15), slept far too little (till 7)(well, Paul and Sarah got up before that--Paul had to be at work at 7), and the kids got up early...before I did...rifling through legos and furry friends.  In the span of 6 hours, I got to snuggle my nieces and nephews and chat with my sisters about everything from home education to preschool to jobs and finances and marriage and decorating.  Tearing my children out of both of their homes required nearly super-human strength, especially going on very little sleep.  How many people can say they adore their sisters-in-law and consider them two of their dearest friends?  How many parents don't have to mediate one single argument between 5-7 children even once in 24 sleep-deprived hours?  Even on the 2.5 hour trip home (with an hour break to stop and see MeMe and Ompy in the middle), the only actual complaint I heard from my children had to do with a hungry belly.  Call it Residual Family Happiness.

Incredible.  Wouldn't trade it for anything.

So proud of Paul.  And of Sarah, who is an amazing, supportive woman/wife/mother/artist/educator/person-in-general.  Paul couldn't have done this without her, and he would tell you that.  So grateful for Kevin and Jenn and their friendships and love.  So amazingly blessed by my parents and the roles they have played as mentors, teachers, supporters, guardians, grandparents, and friends.

Blessed and grateful.  Great way to start a day.  A Wednesday, even.

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