Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I have been struck by simple, obvious things lately.

...how mature my children have become.

...how easy it is to maintain this house.

...how little I care about what the neighbors think. Or anyone else for that matter. I think that's freeing...but I haven't actually decided yet.

...how independent my kids want me to believe they are. And how independent I have allowed them to become.

...how quiet I am. I never would have called myself quiet before the past three years. I have never been content with silence until recently.

...how strong I feel. Physically. And other ways. Some days anyway.

...how blessed we are. In the midst of all of this, the kids and I have everything we need. And we're surrounded by the people we love.

...how much I still want more children. And realize that...I have all the children I will have.

...how desperately I love the children I have.

...how important a good haircut is to me. Six weeks of bad hair days have a detrimental effect on my overall attitude.

...how much I enjoy having green and growing things, inside and outside.

...how much I crave love.

...there's so much more, but if I don't hit "publish post," this will become yet another draft I do nothing with...and I have to break through this wall I've hit.

None of this is really all that important. Nothing you couldn't have lived without reading today. But I'm also remembering that I started blogging for me. As a record of what happens in my life, in my brain, with my children. To remember. These things...I want to remember. I'm glad you've come along for the ride.

1 comment:

  1. You are the most important person for whom you blog! Keep going!
