Thursday, November 3, 2011

Posting at FancyLittleThings...

Yep, I'm doing it again. And hoping to send you all there...not really to read my stuff, but to check out the other inspirational women who write there. :) I won't be posting the same post here, but I'll give you a little FancyLittleThings, the month of November focuses on giving thanks. The authors are reading Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts and working on our lists of 1000 things that we're thankful for in our everyday lives, and digging into the writer's take on what being thankful does in the bigger picture. It's a pretty amazing read, and has me reading and re-reading and highlighting and thinking. And writing a long, long list.

Hope it inspires you! Here's the link to my latest post. (And make sure to click on the FancyLittleThings banner to take you back to the home page and see what my friends have written the past two days as well--there will be new thankful lists/posts daily!)

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