Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Not Mine

I went to a concert tonight.  Sort of.

I say sort of because...well...concerts have changed a bit since I went to them as a teen.  Or a young adult, for that matter.  And, friends?  For the record?

I am no longer a young adult.  I know this now.  If I had any doubt of that before tonight, I no longer have a single one.

See, the thing is, the "concert," which was really a worship experience with a speaker, was really great.  Awesome music.  Two fantastic local bands (Yay, Amy, Jordan, Jon, and Aaron!!), relevant and contemporary worship well done.  Excellent energy...friendly people.  Except...when I looked around, I realized...Good Lord, I could seriously be that girl's mother.  And it wasn't just one girl.  It was most of the people in the theater.  The speaker was 21.  I went tonight with my sweet friend Amy, who sang fabulously in the aforementioned band, and though she's semi-close in age to me, she's still young enough to definitely be considered a "young adult."  She's also at a different place in her life: single, working, free-spirited, not tied-down.  We hung out with her girlfriends at the concert, and headed to Friendly's afterward...7 girls...eating and chatting and laughing.  Only...I wasn't one of the 7 girls, really.

I was, like, the mom.  The mom who sat there and...I mean, I laughed along...I listened and interjected and agreed...but other than one other girl who has a 2-year-old (who had her daughter while in college, so, hello, 22), I was the only one there with kids, and, umm, I have 3.  And the oldest is almost TWELVE.  The girls were sweet.  And they never, ever gave me the feeling that I was out of place there with them.  I did that all by myself.  I just...had nothing to say.  It suddenly struck me that I'm seriously not young anymore.

And, to be honest with you, tonight I realized...I'm pretty ok with that.

Frankly, I'm 37 years old.  I have three children.  Married for 13.5 years.  Thirteen and a half years, folks.  The people I was with tonight, most of them haven't even been old enough to date for that long.  If they started dating at 12.

So, here's the thing:  I may feel 23.  I might look 30, if I'm super, super lucky and someone is being kind.  But...I'm 37.  I have laugh lines and crow's feet and stretch marks and experience.  It's who I am. became very clear to me that it's ok.  And I'm not going to pretend that just because I prefer to rock out to what the 25-year-old single folks sing along with...I should be hanging out with them.  If I could figure out where I fit in now, that would help, that's for sure...but the young adult group...they're great...they're just not mine.


  1. LOL... Oh lord... Going to see Linkin Park in February and will probably feel the EXACT same way!

    And btw... you don't look 37 at all! (And I mean that!)

  2. Amen, Mindy. I am so right there with you. I am reminded of that every summer hanging out with the summer staff...and every Christmas hanging out with Steve's younger sisters...yeah, I still feel 23 too, but oh, we are so not. :) And I'm ok with it too!!! (most days...)

  3. I so hear you, Mindy! I was talking with a friend's daughter who just started college, going on and on about InterVarsity and how I loved it when I went to Buff. State, blah blah blah. I realized later that she probably thought I was CRAZY -- I was talking like I was just there 2 years ago. As I keep reminding Melissa, we started college 20 years ago this year! So, yes, "being old" (or maybe being "not young" ;)) has snuck up on me, too. Big time. You're not alone!
