I will say that at the end of week 9, I'm a little more sore than I have been the past couple of weeks (which makes sense. last week was recovery, so mostly cardio and stretching. this week...chest and back, plyo, etc...it's a big switch). But...I like sore. I know that it means the muscles that keep showing up are getting what they need. I blew my hair dry the other morning and noticed in the mirror that even my forearms have actual definition. Crazy. I don't expect big changes when I weigh and measure tomorrow...but I'm OK with that. I'm really close to my goals, and I'm not complaining. And in the form of an update...the weight gain thing I was battling? Yeah, that's over. But I'll blame that more on stress and a bit of an emotional workout than on P90X. Because, umm, you have to eat with this program. If you don't...it's not good. I won't be throwing away my scale anytime soon, but I will say it's definitely not my focus anymore. And if you know me, you know that weight has kind of always been a focus.
I look forward to Chest, Shoulders, Tris and Ab Ripper tomorrow...
...but 5:45 will come early. G'night.
I'm so proud of you, Min. And...I wanna see that split next weekend. ;)